Davis El Pax Altium, was executed February 12, 2020 in Akron, Ohio by grantor Ross Davis El. Our name is partially derived from the two Latin words pax and altium, meaning peace and pinnacle of excellence. With the intent that peace is the pinnacle of excellence. Our main goal is to grow and hold the assets for beneficiaries. However, we are tasked to help uplift fallen humanity. This charge is given by prophet Noble Drew Ali, who was the first to tell the misnomer black, negro, colored, etc. about their true Moorish American nationality that was taken from them during the time of slavery. This message is best spread through commerce and our combination of products and services assists in this task.

Ross Davis El, was the grantor and is the sole trustee of Davis El Pax Altium. He was born and raised in Summit County (Akron), Ohio, U.S.A and the father of two children. He is a graduate of Harvey S. Firestone High School class of 2008 and the University of Akron with B.S. of Accounting with a minor in M.I.S. class of fall 2013. He is also a 200-hour certified yoga instructor with a mindfulness certification, life coaching certification and a QuickBooks Pro Advisor. He holds membership with the Moorish Science Temple of America, inc Chicago, IL home office, Noble Drew Ali founder mission 30 in Columbus, Ohio.